
Breathwork infused personal development coaching.

 Wellness to us means winning at life.
Loving your life, loving your body, and living authentically.

We utilize breathwork to break deeply conditioned patterns and replace self-induced limitations with DESIRED beliefs so that our conscious minds can begin scanning for them to become true.
Try our Power Flow first. (bottom of page). 
You can also find me on the wellness portion of this free app! (I highly recommend starting with the breathwork lessons)

What you say, is what you see.
And what you see, is who you are!

Own Your Story!

I created the archetype of a Dental Yogi to symbolize who I desired to become. 

To me, Dental Yogi is:

A Wellness Warrior who practices embodiment (being physically strong and deeply in tune with their body.)
A Holistic Healer who honors the soul and deeply understands catharsis.  
A Loving Leader who transmutes all fear and scarcity into unlimited potential and possibilities!

With consistent belief, practice, and support, I grew into these values and I grew my environment into seeing and believe in this new person I became (this is 80% of the battle). 

It starts here: Who is the ultimate version of you?
What's your archetype? 

My mission is to guide you there and help take you beyond what you think is possible physically, mentally, and spiritually!
So if you’re with me, then LET’S GO!

how it works:

Tumo breathwork is essentially the act of over breathing to hyperstimulate the central nervous system into an uncomfortable state, training this in a guided setting can help us learn how to better regulate discomfort in real time. With practice we can learn to access subconscious and unconscious beliefs in order to rewrite them in order to better serve your life. For example, breathwork can be utilized to conquer anxiety

Transforming your doubts and fears into passions and curiosity.
Uncovering and empowering your greatest self. 
Creating lasting fulfilment and impact in alignment with your authentic self.

what gives you your "edge"?



Breathwork hyper-stimulates the body for the purpose of deep mental, physical, and emotional catharsis. 

Private Breathwork Intensive

This is a private virtual 75 minute coaching and breathwork session designed to help you uncover you release/get over what's holding you back and uncover your greatest potential. Simply fill out the questionnaire in the link below and book the time that works for you!

Spouses are welcome to join


Three month virtual training program designed by the Buteyko Clinic Oxygen Advantage Institution to deprogram negative mental and physiologic processes marked by anxiety and hyper-inflammatory over breathing. The goal is to train your body to crave less air. Think of it as intermittent fasting for breathing; it teaches your body to become significantly more efficient in metabolizing oxygen which in turn leads to remarkably lowered inflammation and significantly greater energy, endurance, and cardiovascular output. 

Breathwork Therapy Includes: weekly check-ins, guided exercises, customized breath tacks and unlimited accountability.

Breathwork Therapy

Register below to change the way you breath and live forever!


Morning breath-work, power yoga, and mindfulness designed to help you Namaslay the day.

Strength + mobility + mindfulness in 60.

 I poured my heart into making it and it's available for a one time $100 donation to the Bright Island Outreach dental aid organization in the Dominican Republic, our dental aid yoga retreat sister organization. 

The power flow

60 minute mental and physical morning empowerment


Hear it from your peers

"Cristain & Dainielle opened my awareness to what is possible and what is out there for me. Totally an expanding experience working with them.

- Dr. Delphine Jung