We’re life-loving dental soulmates on a mission to redefine what it means to be a healthCARE professional. 

Offering the best care and service to our patients & loved ones requires taking the best care of ourselves first!

Success = Achieving your goals while being present through the process. 

What lights you up? Can you leverage your passions to shift from working to live to living to work?
We’re here to guide and inspire passionate souls like you to create the life of your dreams NOW by helping you align your desires and integrate them with how you nurture your mind, body, soul, and smile
It’s never too late to Revive your Dream and reinvent yourself, and all it requires is BELIEF. 

Do you believe you’re worthy of more freedom, beauty, abundance, authenticity, and health?!
Then let's GrOw together!

The quality of your life is predicated by the quality of your breathing.

Download our free breathwork for power guided breathwork track to FEEL how it can change your life!

Meet Cristian & Danielle

We started Dentalyogis Wellness for one reason: PERMISSION. If we're able to break the mold of our profession and be in service to only what lights us up, then so can YOU!

We've inspired and guided dozens of healthcare professionals on their journey of becoming happier, healthier, and more authentic in all realms of their lives.

What we've learned is this: Not only is it incredibly energizing to curiously pursue "non-professional" passions, even if they don't fit the "mold" of your profession, but it leads to far greater success because it makes you so much more interesting and it allows you to attract YOUR people!

Wellness Warriors & Holistic Healers

a playlist for every vibe